The world at large faces
many interconnected crisis’s -food supply, water resources, energy,
environmental destruction, wars– and all these are amplified by
unelected “international” organisations like the G8. Lets focus on what
lies in store for Ireland... Although notionally “hosting this meeting,
Ireland has no place amongst the eight master nations for the New World.
That the British government chooses Fermanagh to host the G8 conference
neatly symbolizes the violation of sovereign democracy represented by
unelected world leaders. We see our national territory used without
consent; like other many nations we see this group meeting to decide
the fates of our economic futures and witness the trampling of our
sovereign rights by the Eight Masters. The “other 100” will have no say
as the G8 plans the wholesale theft of their, and our, national natural
resources by the Eight Masters and their Corporations. Inside the G8
countries, the same contempt for democracy is evident. The great
majority of their citizens are disenfranchised, stripped of their
democratic voice to oppose policies aimed at democratic process, and the
will of these organisations becomes the fate of millions– a very
effective form of international dictatorship. What about the
distribution of wealth? The idea is that wealth trickles down. However,
the fact is that 30 years of trickling down has given us a financial
sector that has collapsed and eaten up more bailouts in a year than was
spent on health care in a decade, a society where the majority is
becoming poorer– some 20% of this Island’s population is living in
poverty– while wealth concentrates evermore tightly into the hands of
the mega-rich. The media sterilises debate, , while any potential for
democracy is carefully managed by the status quo. If a republic is to be
basis of the will and desires of its people, and our 1916 proclamation
is, international overlords cannot be tolerated; the G8 and what it
represents may not seem relevant to everyday republican struggles, but
what it represents is the death of democracy– the very lifeblood of any
republic. Opposing that G8 is not being from an obscure and abstract
“left”, It’s being aware that our aspiration of democracy. Every
Republican should be aware of that issue, that with the G8 being held on
our land it’s an other wound to our sovereignty. We are calling every
Republican to attend the pickets and protests organised against that G8,
and in the absence of Republican events, we are calling every
Republican to join the broad protest organised by the left.
statistics sources : Peace monitoring report number 2, available on
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