Wednesday 5 June 2013


The long overdue release of Marian Price is certainly a welcome move, not only for her and her family given the deterioration in her health, but for all who have campaigned and highlighted the injustice of her incarceration which was tantamount to internment.
Her incarceration has raised serious questions which remain unanswered in relation to whether or not the then Secretary of State Owen Patterson had the power to order her imprisonment given the fact she had been pardoned; and then to tell the world they lost, mislaid or shredded the documentation. Governments do not loose such documentation, and even if mislaid, I’m certain there would be more than one copy for various departments.
Her incarceration was victimisation and the attempt to criminalise her is contemptible.
Marian Price has spent two years in gaol for no offence, she has not been sentenced on the spurious charges against her. These are years of her life lost because of the injustice committed against her.
The 32 County Sovereignty Movement extend good wishes to Marian and her family and wish her a speedy recovery.
Marian now needs the space and time with her family in a stress free environment and we hope this will be respected by all in the months ahead.

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